I personally do not think that there is a single company that can say that customer service is not important. The customer is the person who will be buying the product, so the company selling the product, service, or idea, should do everything possible to ensure a smooth transaction. Everyone has heard the saying, "the customer is always right." I believe that this is a true statement, especially for marketers. Marketers must research what the customer wants, how they will appeal to these customers, and to try and ensure that the customer will come back for more purchases in the future. Excellent customer service can make the customer more comfortable with their purchase and give them a peace of mind that the company will be there to help with any questions the customer may have.
Since I believe that customer service is so important, this is why I don't believe there is a single company where customer service is not important. The customer is the focus of the business, after all. Do you agree? and can you think of any company in which customer service is not important?